Those of you who frequent my blog (Grandma) know that we often refer to Addilyn as Medusa. And if you have EVER seen her hair before I get my hands on it in morning or right after she gets up from her nap, you know why. She has the most killer bed head ever. The best part is that you never know what your going to get when that bedroom door opens. It's always different. I swear she's in there just rubbing her hair against her pillow or sticking her finger in a socket. I am always telling Bryan that I need to take some pictures of it. So, I finally did... on two occasions. (I should have taken pictures this morning... it was AWESOME!) You can tell in this one she's still waking up.
Quick side note: she will turn and look at you when you say Medusa.... it's true.
Ok, last CA post. Really. How could we NOT blog about Disneyland. It was awesome. The older the kids get the more fun it is. We left Pres at home with a sitter and took my dad with us. The kids went ALL DAY! NO BREAKS! They outlasted us. We went on every ride they wanted to hit. Pirates of the Caribbean was not as enjoyable as last time they went. Neither liked it. In fact, on the way home, Addi woke up out of a dead sleep yelling, "Off boat! No Pire!" (Pirate) She has since gotten over it but even still, she'll ask me to go to "Bickey Mouse Land" and then say, "But no pire, Mommy. No Pire." (Complete with furrowed brow and concerned look.) All in all, it was a great end to our vacation. Rockets. Always a highlight.
All she wanted was a "pittess cwoun." And she knew the EXACT one she wanted.
Raise the roof, sister!
Papa and Carter strategizing their plan of attack for the bumper cars.
Addi loved the cars until they all started running into each other. Then, not so much.
C is for CARTER! All of Disneyland and CA Adventure were decorated for Halloween. It was amazing. Disney always goes all the way.
(Don't worry, only one more San Diego post coming and then I'm done... until Christmas.) At first we were feeling really ambitious and were going to head to the beach for the sunset and BBQing... then, after a long day of adventures, we decided we were too tired so we ate at home and did s'mores in the backyard. It was a BLAST! Addilyn made short work of the marshmallows. (She gets it from Granddad.)
Everyone was interested in watching Ryan and Bryan start the fire.
Swords? This picture just completely cracks me up. They look like such goofs.
I love this Temple. Who doesn't. But, I REALLY love it. It is where we got married and although we have no pictures to prove it, it's where we started our eternal journey together. It rained CATS and DOGS our wedding day... in San Diego... rained... HARD. REALLY. REALLY. HARD! When we took the kids there (we've done this before but they're a little older now) we told them that this is where we were married and that Heavenly Father lives here. All that stuff. But, it was so much fun to be here with them. To bring our full eternal family to the same place where Bryan and I committed to spend eternity together. This is the first time we've been there since Preslee was born. It was a beautiful day so we walked around and then played on the lawn.
I'm sure they prefer you to not pick the flowers but Carter is always so sweet and picks flowers for me everywhere we go.
My kids love playing Airplane. I remember loving it when I was a kid, too. But while I was flying Addi I thought it may be fin to take some pictures from my point of view. The ones of Addi flying turned out a little scary...
But I liked this one of Carter and how you can see the temple in it.
Bryan helped out with this one. :)
The Alexanders wanted to get in on the fun and were quite entertaining. :)
It's a tradition in my family that when we are in San Diego during the month of October we go to Bate's Nut Farm; affectionately known as Nate's Butt Farm. (They set themselves up for that.) It's fun. It has tons of little craft stands, a fun hay ride, a petting zoo, food, and an awesome pumpkin patch. We had a blast there with the Alexanders. Blake, Carter and Addilyn. Lunch time!
Addi was so brave feeding the goats! While she is a self-proclaimed princess, sometimes she'll do some pretty "boy" things. This goat was funny. He stood with his front legs on the bar so he could see better or something.
While at my parents Carter and Addilyn shared a bed. They've never done this because Addi had been in a port-a-crib until about 3 months ago. Having them sleep together was hysterical. Apparently they sleep like their mother. I'm a wee bit of a bed hog.
One night (this probably won't shock now that you've looked at the pictures) Addilyn fell out of the bed and hit her head on the side rail. Poor little thing. The result was this:
These pictures were also taken in San Diego on P's two month birthday... just now getting around to them. But, alas, here they are. :)
Carter kept getting in my way with his camera. Not kidding... he was (with a straight face) asking me to move out of his way. I guess I am finally getting a taste of my own medicine. So, when I was done taking pictures Carter took a turn. As you can see, I wasn't the only one who was done.