Bryan's family has a private blog that each family posts to weekly (insert "should" into that sentence.) Here's ours from this week.
I know what you're thinking! "Jen! You are such a slacker!" But I have a good excuse. I can't tell it to you because then I'd have to kill you, but it's a GOOD one. (Before anyone starts thinking that I'm pregnant I will tell you two things:)
1. I'm not. Never will be again unless the Lord forces my hand.... no, both hands... and feet.
2. The excuse is that I'm forgetful. And tired. I need to stay more on top of my blog. I know this.
Things here are great. Work's great for Bryan. We've all set our goals for this year and are skipping along joyfully working on them.
Addilyn is learning SO much at preschool. We have her all registered for Kindergarten (GASP!) and are hoping and praying she gets Carter's teacher from last year. We are only putting her in 1/2 day. I've become one of those mom's who doesn't want to let go. She's SO easy and so much fun! And Pres is going to be crazy lonely without her. Oh- and 'm cheap. It's almost $200 a month here. NEGATIVE! Even if it were free though, I'd have her in 1/2 day.
Preslee is talking up a storm. Her favorite thing right now is to tell you she's cute. "Mommy tired?" (me) "Yes, Mommy's tired." (Pres) "Oh. Mommy tired and I cute." She even told Bryan that she's a pretty princess. She seems really bright. (What? Nope. Not biased at all...) Only time will tell though. :)
Carter's doing well. He had chemo last Monday. Normal meds but for some reason his body had a really hard time with them this time. A few days after chemo he got sick, major diarrhea, a rash head to toe (VERY itchy), couldn't sleep, and stomach cramping.... I just felt so bad for him. On top of that we've all been fighting a super nasty cold. Carter has gotten it the worst. It's hanging onto him for dear life. The doctors told us this is how it's going to be with his immune system the way it is. We've managed to stay out of the hospital (knock on wood) but it's just not getting better. On top of THAT, his liver isn't a happy little thing. His counts are still so high that his doctor called Monday night and asked us to not give him his nightly chemo this week. He's having an unusual reaction... most kids' livers freak a little bit but not like this. She wants us back in there tomorrow for a blood draw. If things don't correct themselves they'll have to change up his chemo. Not good for a few reasons. 1. Whatever they give him instead won't be as effective (obviously or they'd give it to him now) and 2. The med they'd give him causes hair loss. Booo.... So, only time will tell. She also explained to me that cancer treatment in someone as young as Carter is very different than in someone, say, in their 50's because they have to be more careful with the organs. The organs of a 50 year old need to last a max of 40 more years. Carter's need to last another 80 or so. So, they really have to make sure they don't stress out his liver or heart or anything else too much. The doctor also suggested we put Carter in some physical therapy. His legs and hips have taken such a beating from all the drugs. He literally cannot run. Can. Not. We put him in karate which he has loved so far but it really puts into perspective HOW weak he is. It's seriously amazing. I don't have a doubt in my mind that Preslee could beat him in a foot race. Breaks my heart because he WANTS to play sports... he just can't. He's not strong enough. And it doesn't look like he'll get that way until treatment's done. More info than you wanted, huh?
I'm just doing my thang. Editing pictures from our trip, taking everyone to school/doctors/etc., trying to get all set up for Valentine's (my house was so lonely once I took down my Christmas decor), going to the gym, and trying to lose some lbs. :)
That's pretty much everything that's been going on since we got home from San Diego. I posted about a gazillion pics on the next post. Enjoy!