Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Thursday, April 15, 2010

True Story... Mommy Moment

Tonight at dinner Carter was eating with his fingers rather than a fork. Bryan told him he needed to use his fork. This was the conversation that ensued:
C: Why do I need to use my fork? I want to use my fingers instead.
B: Carter, you know how there are germs on things? Well, there are germs on your hands from everything you touch. When you eat with your fingers you get germs on the food and they get into your body. Then you could get sick from the germs. Just use your fork.
C: But Dad. Did you know that we have these things called white blood cells in our bodies that get rid of the germs and keep us healthy?

Bryan went right on talking about the different aspects of white blood cells. I stopped him mid thought and asked him if he thought it was at all odd that our not-even-5 year old knows about white blood cells. He said yes but he probably heard about it from his preschool teacher or on a TV show. So, I asked Carter where he learned about them.
C: From The Magic School Bus: The Human Body. I read that book in my room.

Is that amazing to anyone aside from me? He's my kid. I'm allowed to brag. Period. Oh, and I love him. Dearly.


Jessica said...

Oh Carter and Evelyn are meant to be cousins! Evelyn's favorite book is the Encyclopedia of Human Anatomoy that we check out from the library.
That is a really cute story Jen! It's even funnier that Bryan just kept on talking!

Natalie said...

My Nephew is a genius!