Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Little Miss "Into Everything"

First of all, I ADORE this child. I mean, I love her head to toe, inside and out. She has a zest for life unlike any other child I’ve met. BUT… (saw that coming, huh?) she reminds me a touch of the Tasmanian Devil. She is literally into everything. EV. ERY. THING. If she can reach it, she opens it. If there’s something in it, she takes it out. If she can climb on it, she does. And to her, it’s completely funny. Always. *sigh*. I fear Bryan and I have our work cut out for us with this one….

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I love her. She's one of my very best friends. Don't get me wrong; we fight. She makes me mad.... SOOOO mad sometimes. But I do the same. Some times I hang up on her. Sometimes I curse her name. Sometimes I want to smack her. (But I don't...) Sometimes I tell her to butt out. (But she doesn't...)
But far more often than that we make memories that will NEVER fade. They seem clear as day in my mind. Memories like brownie mix in our dresser drawer (seemed like a good idea at the time). Memories like making fun of ALL KINDS of people on Facebook. (Don't worry, if you're reading this blog you're far too cool to be made fun of.) Memories like trying on wigs and attempting to take pictures of ourselves in the bathroom mirror resulting in laughing so hard that we are both scurrying for the toilet. (Kelly made it first). Memories like pouring out our souls to each other. Memories of talking far too long about how cute our kids are. Oh, how I adore her. No one in this world could EVER replace her and I'm so proud of the woman that she has become. She truly is a special daughter of our Father in Heaven and she has finally began to believe it. I love you, Kelly!!!!