Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Carter is on tons of meds. (Duh.) Monday nights are his big night. He has 2-3 different kinds of medications depending on the Monday night we are dealing with. He has at least 8 pills (upwards of 10 on occasion). If he's awake he takes them fine.

If he's sleeping? Well, that's a different story. He is SOOOOOOOO (SO!) hard to wake up. It takes us several minutes to wake him up. Often times it involves removing any and all covers, turning on his light, using loud voices, splashing him with water, sitting him up... you name it, we've tried it. Once we have him sitting we reach for the meds and turn around to find him snuggled up again on his pillow. So, next time we hold his arm while reaching for the meds and water. He will take a sip of water and lay back down, assuming he has taken his pills. We finally recorded it (because he absolutely does NOT believe us in the morning when we tell him how silly he was being) so he could see himself. He laughed the entire way through it.

He's seriously such a trooper... especially after weeks like this past one. It was one of the hardest we have had and it's not letting up a whole lot. He's finally making it through an entire day of school today (an hour and a half to go!). Something he hasn't done for over a week. Poor guy. Two years and one month to go... but who's counting.

Side note: We are NOT giving Carter the drug "meth". He takes a medication called Methotrexate... but occasionally, joking around, we say he's a meth head. :)


Niebieskooka Paolcia. said...
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Amanda Hobbs Dierenfeldt said...

What side effects do you notice with him on MTX? Wouldnt' you much rather have that read BMX? A little boy needs that! I am on MTX for an auto-immune disease. And it's knocked me flat. P.S. 15 years on and off prednisone. Arrr!!!