Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Few Mommy Stories

On Sunday, we were at church. Bryan was out of town so it was total chaos with all three kids. I sat in a side pew so I could keep them contained. At one point Addilyn came up and was trying to get past my legs into the isle.
Addilyn: "Cue me, mommy." (excuse me)
me: "Addilyn, where are you going?"
She looks at me, completely serious and says, "Disneyland." (except she doesn't say the S)
It killed me! I just started cracking up.

While wrapping Christmas presents with the kids the other day we were singing Christmas songs. A while later Carter told me we need to get the movie about Olive, the reindeer. Confused I asked him who Olive was.
Carter: You know, that other reindeer.
me: No, I don't know who Olive is.
Carter: Mom, you know the one from that song.
me: Seriously, Carter, what song? I have no clue what you're talking about.
Carter (now slightly annoyed): Mom, you know, Olive the other reindeer. She use to laugh and call Rudolf names?
I was DYING! He's so cute!!!!! He thought "All of" said "Olive" in Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. It says "All of the other reindeer use to laugh and call him names."


Tami said...

LAUGH OUT LOUD! it DOES totally sound like OLIVE!

Spjut Family said...

Love those little minds you have. I don't think they ever stop thinking for a minute. Also, sorry to hear about your Grandpa. I think it is always hard even with a testimony. But aren't we lucky to know about eternal families. Love ya Jen take care.

Jana said...

I am DYING at the Olive story. That is AWESOME!!! I'm glad you recorded that. Seriously too funny. And I love that they get annoyed when we can't understand what their gibberish means. :)

Jeri Hazelton said...

There actually is a book and I think a movie too called, Olive The other Reindeer. It's a cute book!

Sheryl said...

Those stories are so cute--gotta love kiddos :) Makes me smile.

Jessica said...

Oh these stories just melt my heart! How cute!! I think we should officially name a reindeer Olive!!

Henricksen Family said...

Soooo funny I love it when kids say things like that. It sounds like you have some funny comedians in your house.

Karmann said...

How cutie!!! I hope you dont mind I found your blog!!! I miss you alot and even though we didnt hang out that much or ever see each other I just love you!!! We are moving in a few weeks to Seattle but I would love to keep in touch through blogs!!! Well I hope you will like too!!! Love ya!

The Prigmore Family said...

You tell addilyn to call me the next time she wants to go to dineyland and I'll take her. That was classic.
My mom said she saw her at church and she thinks "she is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen with that dark curly hair and those big blue eyes. Why won't you give me a granddaughter like that?"
To which I responded, mom if I gave you a granddaughter she would for sure be a red haired nerdy girl so don't get your hopes up. Thanks for setting the bar so high Jenny.