Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Monday, July 19, 2010

Long Awaited....

This was a VERY long awaited day. My amazingly awesome, super duper talented, extremely entertaining, and awfully opinionated uncle Cory got married to someone equally as outstanding and unique as him. We all went to San Diego for the weekend (WITHOUT KIDS!! WOOHOO) for the celebration. I can honestly say that this was the coolest wedding I've been to. The venue was so COOL! It was so THEM; beautiful and one of a kind. I felt very lucky and honored to be a part of their special day. As you can tell, there were way too many pictures that I loved. And this is narrowing it down. I love family. There's nothing like it in the world. The only thing missing was my Grandpa... and I know he was there in spirit... probably prodding Lexine to not back out. ;) (although she'd be a fool to back out. Cory's so awesome.) Now I just need some new little cousins!! hehe!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HOW FUN! The picture of all the girls and your mom is laughing is priceless. I love your family! Congrats to Uncle Cory :)