Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault
Friday, October 29, 2010
Go Dragons!!
Carter is playing soccer for the first time this year. I know... lame mom, huh? He's been in a sports class for a few years but I haven't done an actual sports team. He is LOVING soccer. He has such a blast and I'm glad he's getting to know some fun new friends (right before we move). His uniform is... bright...? But he loves it. The nice thing is I know we'll never lose it. Not sure if he's shielding his eyes from the sun or his uniform. :)Go Dragons!
What's lame about him not being on a soccer team until now, isn't he only 5?
Evelyn's as green with envy as Carter's jersey!
Go Carter go!!!!
I didn't know Carter was playing soccer for GYSA! We're there every Saturday morning with Brooklyn too. Way to go Carter!!!
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