Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Easter 2007

This picture of Carter with his mouth open is him showing us his yummy jelly beans. No idea how many are actually in there. Probably at least 5. :)

This Easter was SO much fun with Carter. It was the first year that he acctually kind of got it. I am sure next year will be a lot more fun! We went on an Easter egg hunt Saturday morning with Grace and Abby. Then we headed over to Grammie and Grandad's for another Easter Party. This one was with the WHOLE Christensen clan. He got to enjoy another Easter egg hunt.
Thanks heavens the hunt went better than the decorating of the eggs. Kel and I tried to color eggs with the kids. Carter was quickly fired and colored in a coloring book instead. He's still a little too rough with the eggs. The Ladies did pretty well though. They only broke a few and got SO excited when they took them out of the dye. All in all, it was an awesome Easter. Carter had more candy in that 24 hour period than he has had in his entire life. He quickly learned what's inside those little plastic eggs and that he doesn't like the black jelly beans as much as the other colors. He's so much FUN!

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