Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I Can Hardly Wait!

I went to the doctor yesterday and he agreed to induce me on June 1st. That's Uncle Cory's birthday and Matt and Natalie's anniversary. Unfortunately, I am sure I won't have her on the first. Since it took Carter 41 hours to make his big arrival I am banking on at least 36 for Addilyn. Still, at least this time I know what to expect. My parents are so awesome. They are going to come out and stay for a while until I get adjusted... well, I don't know how long getting adjusted will take but my mom is coming for almost 2 weeks.
Carter is so funny. He is in his room right now banging away on his little piano thing and singing. Unfortunately for him, I think he got my singing skills. But at least he's cute (or "tute" as he says) when he sings. Me...? Not so much.
Bryan only has a few more weeks of school. I seriously can't wait for him to be done for the month of June. And then he will be a D4. I can't believe how fast this whole dental school thing has gone. At the same time, making money seems so very foreign to me. I don't know what I will do when I can spend $10 without calling Bryan to make sure he's okay with it. Hopefully this next year will go as fast as the past 3. :)

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