Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Cupboard

Yesterday while I was putting on my makeup Carter decided he wanted a new place to hide. He was playing with his cars under Bryan's sink in the cupboard (which is empty) when he had the fabulous idea and realization that HE would fit under there. So, under there he went. He made sure to tell me "bye" before he closed the door. After playing for a minute he came out, got his sippy cup and returned to his new little fort. Then he must have realized how boring it would be without any cars so he came back out again and got his cars before returning for good. Carter would open the door every 30 seconds or so and tell me goodbye again. The only thing he had a hard time with was reclosing the door from the inside. But, fear not: Daddy to the rescue. Bryan tied one of his belts to the door so Carter could just pull on the belt from the inside and the door would close much more easily. He was seriously in hog heaven. It was so fun to watch his brain work and try to figure out how to make the most of this new little room he discovered.

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