Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Friday, February 19, 2010

Snow White!!

A few weeks ago we went to Brailyn's birthday party. Clint and Malia win "Parents of the Year" award because they had the REAL SNOW WHITE come to the party!!! It was beyond adorable and I have never in my life seen my baby girl star struck. Snow White is her very favorite Princess. Snow White was so cute, too. Carter was WAY too cool for her when she got there but once she painted a snake on his arm and made him a sword balloon he decided she wasn't 1/2 bad. But, he still hung with Clint a good portion of the time. Addilyn just stared... and stared... and stared. We even had to go back one last time once we were on our way to the car for a hug and a kiss. It was so fun! Maybe we'll invite Snow White to Addilyn's party this year.

Addilyn's sword didn't last long. Carter was pretty proud of his.


Chris and Mari Spiker said...

Oh how fun! I am always so impressed by how much parents get into their kids parties--I never had parties like that!

Love the pictures, your kids are so adorable!

Spjut Family said...

Wow, haven't been blogging for a while and had to catch up. Love the little picture of your kids reading the tickle book and their little feet just hanging out. So cute. And little Presley is growing so fast!! What cute kids. And I laughed and laughed about the decorative pillow thing. That is so cute.