For a few reasons (which I'll list below for those interested) I am going to be posting most of Carter's updates on my photography blog. Just a little safer (in my mind). Click HERE to see my photography blog.
Reason 1: Have you heard of SEO? It means Search Engine Optimization. It basically means that the more that your blog is viewed, the easier it is to find. The more links you have linked in a post, the easier it will show up in web searches. I'll be linking things a lot in referring to Carter's cancer since there are so many things people, like myself, don't know about. I'm not super into my blog being that well known and I know stories like this tug at heart strings of mothers everywhere. I would be a liar if I said I don't follow a few blogs of women I don't know because of what they are going through. I feel for them. Pray for them. Want to know how their baby is doing. I know this is happening with my blog... which is ok, but I am more ok with my photography blog being easier to find because it's less personal. Hopefully that makes sense.
Reason 2: Everyone can leave comments. One thing that has ALWAYS bothered me about blogger is that not everyone can leave comments. How lame. On my photography blog anyone can leave a comment whether I know them or not. I'm ok with that.
Occasionally I'll post things on both blogs but for the most part, check over there to see what's going on with him. I'll post on facebook and on my photography blog. Thanks!
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Quotes of the Day
A few texts from my brother Ryan (who is living in Maui with his family) regarding Carter's cancer:
Me: Please pray harder than you ever have.
Ry: I will... I'll even go to church every week
Me: Good. Maybe this is the Lord talking to you. :)
Ry: No... he tried to flood and drown us.
Later that day in a different conversation:
"Heck ya the prayers are working... I stopped a tsunami last night and saved tons of people... this is nothing. I'll have it cleared up in a few hours."
He makes me laugh. I need that right now.
Me: Please pray harder than you ever have.
Ry: I will... I'll even go to church every week
Me: Good. Maybe this is the Lord talking to you. :)
Ry: No... he tried to flood and drown us.
Later that day in a different conversation:
"Heck ya the prayers are working... I stopped a tsunami last night and saved tons of people... this is nothing. I'll have it cleared up in a few hours."
He makes me laugh. I need that right now.
The Phone Call You Never Want to Get
**Friendly reminder: I'm the mom. I get to put in as much detail and as many useless facts as I want. My journal. :) **
Carter is our oldest son (and only son, actually), a sweet 5 1/2 year old boy. A few weeks ago, we noticed that Carter was getting tired really easily and was starting to look pale (which is really saying something since his complexion is normally already very Casper-the-Friendly-Ghost like). He was also complaining of stomach aches and random pains in different parts of his body. His doctor thought that they might be Abdominal Migraines (we hadn't ever heard of them either) and started him on some medication. The medication (at least we thought it was the meds) were making him even MORE tired. It was ridiculous. His teacher talked to me about how he was always so sluggish, he was falling asleep at his friends houses (SO unlike him), he couldn't wait for bed time, he wouldn't join in on my dance parties with the kids... things like that.
His doctor asked to see him immediately, gave him an exam (a quite thorough one) and ordered some tests. During the exam he was asking us some very random questions ("Has he been waking up in the middle of the night?" Ummm... a little bit which IS strange for him. "Have his lips been fuller than normal?" Actually, yes. I had even commented to Bryan about that.) The doctor, who we just adore, assured us it was more than likely anemia and nothing more. While examining Carter he had spent WAY too long feeling around his arm pits. Of course the first thing we think is "lumps". I asked him why he was lingering there and he said he felt some VERY small masses. They were small and kinda squishy so they were more than likely nothing. He said if he wasn't looking for them specifically he wouldn't even have felt them. But he did have some reason for concern so he ordered tons of tests. We, of course, worried of the worst case scenario. After a lot of time waiting (it was only 6 or so hours but that's a LONG time when you're scared) we had to take Carter to get MORE blood drawn.
By this point it was 4 in the afternoon and we were very worried we would have to wait through the weekend to find out what was going on since the pediatrician closed at 5. We were worried it was something serious... you know, like mono or pneumonia. (If only!!) Dr Kim (the ped) called a little after 5:00 and said he should know within the hour what the results were but that they had crossed off bone cancer and liver problems. That's good, but scary they were looking at things so serious. He had given the lab his cell phone number and had my number in his phone.
About 6:30 the doctor texted me and said the lab was rechecking something but he should know within the next 30 minutes or so. I, once again, started to cry. Why on earth would they need to recheck normal lab results. Obviously something wasn't right. He finally called me a VERY long hour later (while Bryan was at Costco of course) with the news. He was 98% sure. He was SO sweet while talking to me. (What a HORRIBLE call to give!) He had been on the phone with the oncologist (whom he kept calling the hematologist- she's both- I think as to not further scare me) and with the hospitals all over Colorado Springs trying to find a bed. He sent us immediately to the closest one with an open bed and told us to cancel our trip to California next week. He then asked me if I was religious and prayed with me over the phone. It made me love that doctor that much more. (He had BIG shoes to fill after my super awesome doctor in AZ.) The fact that he didn't care if it was breaking doctor rules was so great to me. He just wanted to comfort a crying mother who had just received some very heartbreaking news.
After being a human pin-cushion over the next 24 hours, Carter was officially diagnosed with leukemia, specifically pre-B cell Acute Lymphoniblastic Leukemia. (A.L.L.) Of all the kinds of cancers, this is the "best" one. We were obviously devastated, as all of the worst-case scenarios flooded our minds. It was the beginning of a very scary journey. Thanks to some wonderful doctors and nurses, our minds were put a little at ease as they informed us that of all the types of leukemias, Carter has the most treatable and curable form.
They taught us that leukemia, unlike solid cancers, is cancer of the blood. That means it is everywhere almost immediately (they think he's only had it two weeks or so), which makes early diagnosing and treatment very important. Carter's bone marrow, which usually makes all of his blood cells, was malfunctioning and only creating a type of white blood cell, B-cell, at a very rapid rate. So rapid in fact, that those types of cells took over the blood producing marrow and Carter was unable to produce oxygen carrying red blood cells, platelets that help with clotting, infection fighting white blood cells, etc.
After a few platelet and blood transfusions, (and a formal diagnosing) Carter was taken to surgery where he was given a spinal tap, had a bone marrow biopsy (NOT transplant) from his little hip, and had a port placed in the left upper part of his chest, that will remain there for easy chemo treatments for the next few (2-3) years. This is the point we are at now. (It is SO strange to think that a little over 48 hours ago our lives were 100% different. 48 hours ago I couldn't even spell leukemia.-- although I bet Bryan could. He's quite the smarty pants.) The chemotherapy should begin to work immediately, and in the next week most of the cancer cells should be dead or dying. However, because leukemia goes wherever there is blood, which is just about every square millimeter of your body, it is very difficult to get rid of it completely without lengthy chemo treatments. So, the next 6 months will be a very intensive chemo regimen (during which Carter will lose his hair- hat time!!) followed by 2-3 years of maintenance chemotherapy. He will start losing his hair in a few weeks and be pretty darn miserable for the next 6 months. (And we hear we will too with the steroids they will be giving him. Turns him into a major crank, I guess.) But, obviously this will all be worth it to have our healthy little boy back. It's strange to think that when he finally gets this port out of his body he will be preparing to be baptized... that seems SO far away.
Carter has been a real trooper. Aside from a few rough hours after surgery, he's been in good spirits and has been soaking up all the cute nurses and TONS of attention he's getting. He has borrowed a DS, watched movies on the iPad, watched Star Wars with Daddy late at night, gotten shakes, cookies, treats (as well as healthy food), and played countless games with Mom or Dad- one of which is always with him. This has obviously not been a fun experience for him, and will only get worse before it gets better, but he has had a pretty good attitude through it all, at least for a 5 year old with cancer. :) We are so blessed to have in our family. We know that this will be a learning experience for us all, and that we will grow closer as a family and closer to our Savior and Father in Heaven through this.
We are absolutely amazed and blown away by the amount of support, prayers, thoughts, and fasting we have received the past two days. Our inboxes are literally busting at the seams.
Our prayers are FULL of things to be thankful for. We are SO grateful my girls and Bryan and I are healthy. We are so grateful Carter is getting the help he needs. We are SO grateful for those kind souls that donate blood and platelets. We are so thankful for modern medicine. If this was 40 years ago there would have been NO hope. We are so grateful for perfect strangers that are praying and fasting for a little 5 year old boy they have never and more than likely will never meet. We are grateful for facebook! The word spread so fast through facebook which allowed so many more people to keep our little fighter in their prayers.
We have definitely asked the question "Why?" through this. But not with anger. We wonder why the Lord has given us this challenge. What are we suppose to learn here? How are we suppose to grow in order to learn what the Lord wants us to learn. One thing we know for sure is that the Lord will NOT give us something we cannot handle. We are going to kick the crap out of this cancer! A few weeks ago I was listening to an old friend tell me about her 5 year old nephew with cancer. I said to her, "I don't know how your brother and sister-in-law do it. That would literally kill me... watching my 5 year old suffer through cancer." (should have knocked on wood, I guess.) But, with the Lord's help, all is possible. I've been taking pictures (some are on facebook) and when I have a chance to get home for longer than a few hours sleep and an occasional shower, I'll upload some.
Things I never thought I would say that have come out of my mouth over the last 48 hours:
~I hope it's just pneumonia.
~My son has cancer?
~I'm so glad it's just Leukemia.
~This could be SO much worse.
~Let's dye Carter's hair blue!! It's gunna fall out anyways.
~MAKE A WISH!?!? We get to apply for that? AWESOME!
~Do you think if we took Carter to Disneyland while he's still bald that they'll let us cut in front of everyone on all the lines? We should really look into that.
~"Hey Bryan, did you ever think we would spend our 8 year anniversary in the hospital room of our little boy with Cancer?" His response "Yep. I've been imagining this day since I was a little boy." (goofball)
~Man, having a kid with cancer really helps me take off those last few pounds. (Lost 3 already.)
~Our child WILL be a cancer survivor.
Thank you everyone, once again, for the countless prayers. We can say without a shadow of a doubt, the prayers are the reason we are getting by. Our testimonies have only grown (not as fast as the cancer, but pretty darn fast!) and our Savior is near by. This is one of those times that He is carrying us, and we truly appreciate it. Our Father in Heaven loves our Carter as much as we do... and we will never ever doubt that. Hug your babies a little longer today; life changes quickly.
Carter is our oldest son (and only son, actually), a sweet 5 1/2 year old boy. A few weeks ago, we noticed that Carter was getting tired really easily and was starting to look pale (which is really saying something since his complexion is normally already very Casper-the-Friendly-Ghost like). He was also complaining of stomach aches and random pains in different parts of his body. His doctor thought that they might be Abdominal Migraines (we hadn't ever heard of them either) and started him on some medication. The medication (at least we thought it was the meds) were making him even MORE tired. It was ridiculous. His teacher talked to me about how he was always so sluggish, he was falling asleep at his friends houses (SO unlike him), he couldn't wait for bed time, he wouldn't join in on my dance parties with the kids... things like that.
His doctor asked to see him immediately, gave him an exam (a quite thorough one) and ordered some tests. During the exam he was asking us some very random questions ("Has he been waking up in the middle of the night?" Ummm... a little bit which IS strange for him. "Have his lips been fuller than normal?" Actually, yes. I had even commented to Bryan about that.) The doctor, who we just adore, assured us it was more than likely anemia and nothing more. While examining Carter he had spent WAY too long feeling around his arm pits. Of course the first thing we think is "lumps". I asked him why he was lingering there and he said he felt some VERY small masses. They were small and kinda squishy so they were more than likely nothing. He said if he wasn't looking for them specifically he wouldn't even have felt them. But he did have some reason for concern so he ordered tons of tests. We, of course, worried of the worst case scenario. After a lot of time waiting (it was only 6 or so hours but that's a LONG time when you're scared) we had to take Carter to get MORE blood drawn.
By this point it was 4 in the afternoon and we were very worried we would have to wait through the weekend to find out what was going on since the pediatrician closed at 5. We were worried it was something serious... you know, like mono or pneumonia. (If only!!) Dr Kim (the ped) called a little after 5:00 and said he should know within the hour what the results were but that they had crossed off bone cancer and liver problems. That's good, but scary they were looking at things so serious. He had given the lab his cell phone number and had my number in his phone.
About 6:30 the doctor texted me and said the lab was rechecking something but he should know within the next 30 minutes or so. I, once again, started to cry. Why on earth would they need to recheck normal lab results. Obviously something wasn't right. He finally called me a VERY long hour later (while Bryan was at Costco of course) with the news. He was 98% sure. He was SO sweet while talking to me. (What a HORRIBLE call to give!) He had been on the phone with the oncologist (whom he kept calling the hematologist- she's both- I think as to not further scare me) and with the hospitals all over Colorado Springs trying to find a bed. He sent us immediately to the closest one with an open bed and told us to cancel our trip to California next week. He then asked me if I was religious and prayed with me over the phone. It made me love that doctor that much more. (He had BIG shoes to fill after my super awesome doctor in AZ.) The fact that he didn't care if it was breaking doctor rules was so great to me. He just wanted to comfort a crying mother who had just received some very heartbreaking news.
After being a human pin-cushion over the next 24 hours, Carter was officially diagnosed with leukemia, specifically pre-B cell Acute Lymphoniblastic Leukemia. (A.L.L.) Of all the kinds of cancers, this is the "best" one. We were obviously devastated, as all of the worst-case scenarios flooded our minds. It was the beginning of a very scary journey. Thanks to some wonderful doctors and nurses, our minds were put a little at ease as they informed us that of all the types of leukemias, Carter has the most treatable and curable form.
They taught us that leukemia, unlike solid cancers, is cancer of the blood. That means it is everywhere almost immediately (they think he's only had it two weeks or so), which makes early diagnosing and treatment very important. Carter's bone marrow, which usually makes all of his blood cells, was malfunctioning and only creating a type of white blood cell, B-cell, at a very rapid rate. So rapid in fact, that those types of cells took over the blood producing marrow and Carter was unable to produce oxygen carrying red blood cells, platelets that help with clotting, infection fighting white blood cells, etc.
After a few platelet and blood transfusions, (and a formal diagnosing) Carter was taken to surgery where he was given a spinal tap, had a bone marrow biopsy (NOT transplant) from his little hip, and had a port placed in the left upper part of his chest, that will remain there for easy chemo treatments for the next few (2-3) years. This is the point we are at now. (It is SO strange to think that a little over 48 hours ago our lives were 100% different. 48 hours ago I couldn't even spell leukemia.-- although I bet Bryan could. He's quite the smarty pants.) The chemotherapy should begin to work immediately, and in the next week most of the cancer cells should be dead or dying. However, because leukemia goes wherever there is blood, which is just about every square millimeter of your body, it is very difficult to get rid of it completely without lengthy chemo treatments. So, the next 6 months will be a very intensive chemo regimen (during which Carter will lose his hair- hat time!!) followed by 2-3 years of maintenance chemotherapy. He will start losing his hair in a few weeks and be pretty darn miserable for the next 6 months. (And we hear we will too with the steroids they will be giving him. Turns him into a major crank, I guess.) But, obviously this will all be worth it to have our healthy little boy back. It's strange to think that when he finally gets this port out of his body he will be preparing to be baptized... that seems SO far away.
Carter has been a real trooper. Aside from a few rough hours after surgery, he's been in good spirits and has been soaking up all the cute nurses and TONS of attention he's getting. He has borrowed a DS, watched movies on the iPad, watched Star Wars with Daddy late at night, gotten shakes, cookies, treats (as well as healthy food), and played countless games with Mom or Dad- one of which is always with him. This has obviously not been a fun experience for him, and will only get worse before it gets better, but he has had a pretty good attitude through it all, at least for a 5 year old with cancer. :) We are so blessed to have in our family. We know that this will be a learning experience for us all, and that we will grow closer as a family and closer to our Savior and Father in Heaven through this.
We are absolutely amazed and blown away by the amount of support, prayers, thoughts, and fasting we have received the past two days. Our inboxes are literally busting at the seams.
Our prayers are FULL of things to be thankful for. We are SO grateful my girls and Bryan and I are healthy. We are so grateful Carter is getting the help he needs. We are SO grateful for those kind souls that donate blood and platelets. We are so thankful for modern medicine. If this was 40 years ago there would have been NO hope. We are so grateful for perfect strangers that are praying and fasting for a little 5 year old boy they have never and more than likely will never meet. We are grateful for facebook! The word spread so fast through facebook which allowed so many more people to keep our little fighter in their prayers.
We have definitely asked the question "Why?" through this. But not with anger. We wonder why the Lord has given us this challenge. What are we suppose to learn here? How are we suppose to grow in order to learn what the Lord wants us to learn. One thing we know for sure is that the Lord will NOT give us something we cannot handle. We are going to kick the crap out of this cancer! A few weeks ago I was listening to an old friend tell me about her 5 year old nephew with cancer. I said to her, "I don't know how your brother and sister-in-law do it. That would literally kill me... watching my 5 year old suffer through cancer." (should have knocked on wood, I guess.) But, with the Lord's help, all is possible. I've been taking pictures (some are on facebook) and when I have a chance to get home for longer than a few hours sleep and an occasional shower, I'll upload some.
Things I never thought I would say that have come out of my mouth over the last 48 hours:
~I hope it's just pneumonia.
~My son has cancer?
~I'm so glad it's just Leukemia.
~This could be SO much worse.
~Let's dye Carter's hair blue!! It's gunna fall out anyways.
~MAKE A WISH!?!? We get to apply for that? AWESOME!
~Do you think if we took Carter to Disneyland while he's still bald that they'll let us cut in front of everyone on all the lines? We should really look into that.
~"Hey Bryan, did you ever think we would spend our 8 year anniversary in the hospital room of our little boy with Cancer?" His response "Yep. I've been imagining this day since I was a little boy." (goofball)
~Man, having a kid with cancer really helps me take off those last few pounds. (Lost 3 already.)
~Our child WILL be a cancer survivor.
Thank you everyone, once again, for the countless prayers. We can say without a shadow of a doubt, the prayers are the reason we are getting by. Our testimonies have only grown (not as fast as the cancer, but pretty darn fast!) and our Savior is near by. This is one of those times that He is carrying us, and we truly appreciate it. Our Father in Heaven loves our Carter as much as we do... and we will never ever doubt that. Hug your babies a little longer today; life changes quickly.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
100th Day Project
For the 100th day of school (which got pushed back twice because of snow days) Carter wanted to make a pretzel maze for his project. So, with 100 pretzels, we made a made he was SURE would stump Albert Einstein, himself. He enjoyed himself and was proud to show it off to his classmates. Man, I love this kid!

Carter's Valentine's Party

Carter's Kindergarten Class
I got to go in and "help" with Carter's class Valentine's party. I loved it. It made me REALLY miss teaching. I love that he's at the age where he's still proud of me. He enjoys having me there and showing me off to his friends. Why is it that that will change one day? Lame. I (almost) always loved my parents and was proud to show them off. (It helped that 1/2 of my friends had a crush on my mom...) Anyways, I absolutely LOVE his new school. And so does he. He loves the school, the playground, the kids, the teacher. He loves it all. Although he doesn't love learning Chinese so much (Crazy, huh?!). He says it's hard. Duh. It's Chinese. Maybe I'll have my Uncle tutor him. :)
Carter with his Valentine's box. Dead ringer for looking like him, huh? :)





The Tiger Sanctuary

Nature Walk
One thing I love about Colorado are all the national parks. I know AZ has them and so does CA but I decided when we moved here that we need to get out more. The kids are finally to the age that they can go and play. Together. And have fun. Together. With us. It's pretty much awesome. We still have nap for the wee one but until then it's party time. So, off we went last month to a great national park (I should know the name... maybe I'll look it up). It was really fun. Preslee REFUSED to sit in the stroller (shocking) and would N.O.T. stay out of the snow (again, shocking). The other two were whining 30 minutes into our walk (on pavement... not like it was a real hike) so THEY ended up in the stroller while we chased Preslee around. But, still, super fun. I love my family so so much. They are the best in the whole world. I can't imagine more adorable kids or a more stellar husband. We all have so much fun together and I can't believe I get to be with all these goofballs for eternity!



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