I have the BEST dad. Ever. Really. In the entire history of the universe. Search high and low, far and wide, and you will NEVER find a dad as great as mine. (Ok, well, Bryan ties with him.) He's AWE-SOME. He is so well rounded. He hands the credit cards over to my mom with fairly little grumbling. (Although he does run his hands through his hair when finances are brought up.) He is a very successful wealth manager. He loves his Mom and brothers. They are so important to him and I know that he's felt the responsibility to step it up since his Dad passed away almost two years ago... something he was GLAD to do. (My Grandma's freaking AWESOME! Hanging with her is hardly a chore!) He's a MASTER car-packer. Seriously, stay out of his way when he's packing it up. Talk about a man on a mission. He took us on some amazingly fun vacations. (There was one time we ran out of gas... won't lie... it's on video.)
He's silly... oh, is he ever silly. (Case in point: My nickname is "J-bird-digger-dogger". I'm so use to it that I don't even notice when he calls me that instead of Jenny.) When we were kids we use to play Slam-to-the-Turf with him. We would climb all over him and he'd grab us and tickle us and kiss us all the while we would squeal in delight. (Always right before bed time... got us all hyper. My mom, I'm sure, loved it.) He would give us Honk-n-Kisses. He'd kiss us on our cheeks with his mustache and then he'd say, "HOOOOONK" while tickling us with his mustache. (They were "in" then. Don't worry, he shaved it.) When I was in high school and played music (probably far too loud) in my room he would come in and dance around like a complete idiot. He would do this hopping backwards thing with his hands out in front of him... so goofy. (Still does it.)
My dad is also so tender-hearted. I've seen him get emotional (I won't say "cry"... it's not manly) very few times. One was when Kelly and Robby moved to AZ. I don't think he gave two craps that they were leaving, but they took those two little angels with them. I'm pretty sure his heart broke a little bit that day. He's a loyal man. He loves my mom and his family more than anything in the world. Never once did I feel like work came first. He's faithful. He loves God and our Savior with all his heart. One was when his Dad passed away. That one absolutely tore me apart. He's also let anyone who's wanted to, move in with us. I had a friend live with us while we were in high school. We have had countless cousins and friends live with us through the years. He never seems to mind feeding the extra mouths.
I always knew I wanted to marry someone like him. And I did... only slightly better looking! (That's right, Mom, I said it!) If you look at these pictures my mom took with my camera while they were out here a few weeks ago you'll see all those qualities listed above... ok, maybe not. But you'll see HIM. The "real" him. I love my dad. I'm so lucky I get to be with him forever and ever. He's such a great husband, dad, son, brother, and Papa to my sweet little ones. I love you, Dad!!!