Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Reunited and It Feels So Good!

Last week, Brigett brought Koen up for a surprise visit. She woke him up at 4:30am and they headed to the airport. We didn't tell Carter and Addilyn... just headed out to "run errands" and ended up at the airport to pick them up. The kids were SOOOO excited. Koen is one of Carter's best buddies and Brigett is like a mommy to all my kids... but especially Addilyn. Addilyn has been attached to Brig her entire life... to the point that she use to call her Mommy Brigett. (How cute!!) We had an absolute BLAST with them. We went exploring, played in streams, and had picnics. The boys played Legos, played the Wii, played the DS's, laughed, and got far too little sleep. Brigett and Brad will never know what it meant to us having them here. Brad has been telling me for 4 months, the minute Carter's healthy enough he'd fly Brig and Koen up for the weekend. So, for a late birthday present, up they came!
And it was an added bonus for Bryan that he got to do whatever he wanted. He got to sleep in, hang out with his buddies, and skip out on bed time because he knew I was perfectly entertained with Brigett here. And for me, Brigett's one of my closest friends so we enjoyed catching up and chatting all weekend... over frozen yogurt... twice. :)
I love Carter's face in this picture.
One morning we took the kids up to Pikes Peak to explore. We had a picnic and a lot of fun. Koen even graced us with his "I'm the King of the Mountain" dance. Loverly.

These two are such goof balls together. They laugh contantly. It's a noise I love to hear!
Side note: Preslee eats the oddest things. Example: wood. Another example: wipes (clean ones. She'll just suck on them... so strange)

I think Addilyn has a tiny crush on Koen. :) She just adores him; always has. Gotta be honest, I wouldn't fight that one in 15 years. He's such a great kid and Addilyn Martineau has a nice ring. :)
Koen took this picture. Good job, huh? I told him he could be my apprentice. :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

So jealous you are wearing jeans and 3/4 length sleeves! I won't get to do that until January I'm sure :)
Looks like a SUCH a wonderful time! Thank goodness for good friends!