Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Family Pictures

It took THREE times to actually get our family pictures taken. THREE. Not because of the cancer (although that would be a better story). Nope. It was because the weather up here kept giving us storms on my picture day! Seriously? What's up with that? But, we finally got them done. It was very important for me to get family pictures taken while Carter was bald. I want this documented. (It's the photographer in me.) This is (hopefully) the most life changing thing my sweet little family will EVER go through. Plus, it's been almost two years since we had pics taken. With moving and everything last year we were aiming for spring time and then the whole "your kid has cancer" thing happened so pics got put on the back burner. But, alas, here they are and I couldn't be happier with them. My super duper awesome friend Chelsea Bevans of Shutter Bliss Photography took them. These ones I edited but you can pop over to her blog and see the ones she edited of us.
Addi is such a poser. And when the light hit that super pretty time and the other three kids were done (who's the third, you ask? Why, it's Bryan. :)) Chelsea wanted to take advantage of Addilyn's killer hair and took a few pictures. As you can tell, Addi put up a REAL fight... (eye roll)

Love this man more and more with each passing day. Don't know what I did to get so lucky but I thank our dear Father in Heaven for him each and every day.
This is the Christmas card one so... get ready! :)

I pink puffy heart this one. It'll be framed somewhere.
His shirt made me giggle. We support drugs in our house. :)

Bryan is SO good with making the kids laugh.


Tami said...

those ones of you with each of your girls are to die for!! just make me want another girl, THAT bad.

Courtney said...

I. LOVE. These. PICTURES!!! I love Carter's smiling face, Addilyn looking like a super model, and all the pictures of you and your sweet kids! LOVE LOVE LOVE! They turned out fabulous... and you look GREAT! :) miss you. :(

Shenna said...

Love them Jen! The outfits are adorable and you all look so fabulous! So, so, so cute!

Cheryl said...

Love these pics Jen. Your family is so darling. Just have to say we do drugs too! Love them, couldn't live without them. And I thank God for them and ones like it every day! So glad Carter is doing so well.

Sheryl said...

These are beautiful pictures. That one of the kids all laughing or whatever they're doing is darling! You all look wonderful.

Beth said...

Seriously??? I'm teary!!! Your family is so beautiful. Those girls! Oh my heavens - watch out! They have their mamas gorgeousness and her sass too! Jen -ugggh I miss you! Carter's shirt is awesome!