Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Why does he hate me?

Carter has decided that he could really do without me. He would rather play with Daddy or his toys. He also isn't eating very much. Hopefully this is just a little stage he's going through. But, all that aside, he is still so stinking cute!!! He is also starting to tell us when he is poopy. I know this doesn't really sound all that exciting to a normal person but it's really exciting to me because it's a sign of being ready to potty train. It will be a glorious day when we only have one in diapers again. I can't wait. But I think I need at least another month to get ready for it. We'll see.
Addilyn is doing great. She's eating like a champ and sleeping pretty well. She eats every 3 and a half to 5 hours which is awesome for a breastfed baby. My mom is gone now but I am still so spoiled with Bryan being around to help out. I think I am in for a major wake up call in July when he's gone.
Carter is in swim lessons right now. He is doing great. He's not really learning to swim as much as he is learning how to get to the side of the pool and "monkey walk" to the steps of the pool. He still stinks at kicking but that's ok. Beggers can't be choosers, I guess.
Tonight Bryan nd I are going with Kel and Rob to see Ben Folds and John Mayer in concert. Bryan is really excited to see Ben Folds. I am just hoping to see Jessica Simpson. :) It will be fun to actually go do something with Kel and Rob. We hang out but it's always just hanging out at home because we can't afford to do much else. This concert is Bryan's birthday present from me. (it is actually more from Grandma and Grandpa because the tickets were bought with my birthday money from them. hehe) So, we are making an evening of it... dinner and all. I don't remember the last time we did something like this. Dinner and a concert. Oh wait, yes I do. It was to see Jerry Seinfeld (SO SO SO FUNNY) when I was pregnant with Carter. It's been too long. Oh, to be rich...!

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