Once a month Home Depot has a FREE craft for kids on a Saturday morning. Allow me to list the AWESOME things that come from this:
1. It's FREE. Who doesn't love that?!?!
2. It's on a Saturday and since Bryan works Saturdays. it's doubly cool because it helps the day go faster.
3. It's at Home Depot... which has the world's BEST smell EVER!! I CRAVE this smell. Mostly when I'm pregnant but I seriously LOVE it. I think they should make it into a candle. :) (As well as spray paint, gas, nail polish... you know, all those things that you shouldn't be inhaling while pregnant?)
Anyways, this month was the first time my kids went but we are going to be regulars! They made bird houses. We have plans to paint them but clearly haven't done so yet. The kids had a blast and Aunt Kelly wins cool points because she took them all while I was at a photo shoot! No wonder my kids love her so much.