Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Sunday, January 3, 2010


While in San Diego we went and visited our old pal, Santa. The kids did great. Addilyn actually allowed Santa to sit by her. Carter gave him such a list of what he wanted that all Santa said was, "Wow, that's quite a list!" Lovely. ("A halidoctor with a co-troler, a race track, a car with a co-troler, a train with a co-troler because the one I have right now is too slow....")
Santa happened to be only a few streets over from my parents house. The people who own the house go crazy setting everything up. Their entire house turns into Santa's workshop. They have a toy for each child that sees Santa, and hot cocoa and treats for everyone. The best part is that it's free. This family does it for the entire city and have 10s of thousands of people come every year.

Touring Santa's workshop with Papa.
"What the crap is all over this old dude's face?"
We met up with my childhood best friend, Krissy, who, no matter how long it goes between visits, will ALWAYS be like a sister to me. I seriously love this girl more than words could say. My mom offered to take a picture of us so instinctively we put our heads together, squishing Addilyn right out of the picture... :) This was right after that... clearly I was still laughing about it.

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