Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tender Mercy

It's no secret the last three months (and one day) have been trying for our little family. At times it's been sheer hell in fact. It's had it's ups for sure, and it's amazing blessings... but it's been hard. Right after Carter was diagnosed three of my closest friends decided to book plane tickets and come visit us three girls that have moved up here. 5 of the 6 of us lived within 8 houses of each other. The 6th lived 2 streets over. I LOOOOOOVE these girls.
I honestly cannot begin to say how wonderful it was having them up here. When we picked them up from the airport it was filled with shrieking, tears, laughter, and SOOO many long hugs. Bryan took the weekend off and we shopped, ate, laughed, shared WAY too many secrets, ate some more, shopped some more, ate some more, and then, that's right, shopped some more. For the first time since Carter's diagnosis, I slept well. I slept like a person SHOULD sleep. The night before they left I laid in bed after Bryan was asleep and cried. (How pathetic, huh?!) I was SO sad they were going home. They will NEVER know what that weekend did for me mentally. Being able to, for a short time, walk away from this hand that we've been dealt, and laugh way too loud, eat WAY too much, and spend way too many dollar bills (thanks Grandma!!). I've taken it upon myself to get these girls to relocate up to Colorado. I think our "bipolar weather", as Katie Brown called it, pretty much shot that idea in the foot. :(
I miss these girls, and so many more, every day. My life is so much richer for having known them and I count them among my most special blessings!!
From left: Katie Budge (now living here), Chelsea Bevans (now living here), Brigett Martineau, Katie Brown, yours truly, and Bridget Carroll.
(Can I please just say that, clearly, the waitress at this place could NOT work my camera... annoying!)


The Prigmore Family said...

Ummm...how pretty are you? Like REALLY pretty. Love you and miss you :)

PS~ pretty sure I'm related to that bevans chicky. My aunt married Rod Bevans. They live in Stirling, Alberta, Canada.

Jessica said...

Nothin' like some girl time! So glad you had this "break" and got to take some deep breaths!

Tami said...

this post was so sweet. really, there is nothing like a group of girlfriends that you seriously LOVE. glad for your escape.

The Brown Family said...

I LOVE you!! The time together was just perfect and I can't wait until we can do it again! Sorry about the bipolar weather comment....but snow in may...and the wind! :) I would brave it all to be closer to you. Love you! Xoxo

Bridget said...

Brought a tear to my eye. I miss you!!! I am so glad you got a well deserved break. I can't wait for the next one and you know we will be planning another one after that...