Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Monday, September 14, 2009

Last week was one of milestones at our house. Addilyn took it upon herself to decide she wanted to be putty trained. What that means is that she started taking off her diaper (including pooping in a port-a-crib and then stepping in it and getting VERY upset that she stepped in it), refusing to sit down if she was poopy, and telling us that she was poopy (that meant poopy or just wet) right away. Most parents would be thrilled with this. Yeah! No more diapers. Well, most parents don't have a 5 week old baby. So, off to Walmart we went and purchased Dora undies (what 2 year old girl can live without those?), princess and Tinkerbell stickers, and lots and lots and lots of juice and other drinks. We also picked up some Tootsie Rolls. (We use those to show Addliyn how her Dora doll can poop in the toilet like a big girl. :)) It went fairly smoothly considering it was potty training. It took her a few days to poop in the toilet but naps are successful. Nights are about 50/50. So, I think she's doing great considering she's only 2 years and 3 months old.... and considering the fact that I wasn't even thinking about it for another several months.

Preslee also had a great week last week. She started smiling!! I have yet to get it on film but it's a cute, open-mouthed, toothless grin. I love it! She smiled first for Bryan at 3am. It was his reward for being up with her when she refused to sleep. (Totally worth it!) The next day she smiled for me while a friend of mine was holding her. She was looking at me... does that count? I haven't seen the little smile since but she has smiled for Bryan several times. Just like her older siblings, she already prefers her father to her mother. Of course.

Isn't this the face of a girl who wants to be sitting on the little potty? She was really worried the first time she went potty on the little potty. (Obviously) But the "Dowa Pannies" made it all worth it.

I let her watch TV while she sat and loaded her up with snacks and drinks. We put them all on the stool next to her. Easy access.
Need I say more...?


Tami said...

love the potty pictures. those will be priceless when she is older!

Spjut Family said...

wow, "priceless" was the word that came to my mind too. I didn't realize it was so traumatizing to potty train. This is not something I'm looking forward to. I still can't get my guy to sleep at night, what will the potty do???

Jessica said...

Congratulations! You are so brave! Hannah wanted to potty train earlier, but I wasn't up for the challenge, so she's only been potty trained for about 2 months.
It makes trips to the store a zoo, because she always has to go, even though I make everyone go before we leave the house. But part of having 3 kids is running a zoo I suppose!
Those are cute pics. Tell Addilyn we think she's a champ. You are too!

Courtney said...

I'm DYING over those pictures! SO CUTE!! :)
Are you ready to come over and potty train Kenzie?? :)

Smith Family said...

Yay! Congrats on the potty training!!!! What an accomplishment, especially with a newborn! We started a few weeks ago and did great for 3 days while we stayed home. Then we started life up again and I couldn't keep up with it! Maybe I need to try the TV thing when we start up again. You're an inspiration.