Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Family Update

The Ladies love to hold their new little cousin... for about 30 seconds and then they decide she's boring! :)

Having a little unproductive tummy-time before church.

Bryan is now in full swing at his first rotation at the Veterans Hospital. He was actually only about 100 yards away from where the two news helicopters went down. He did have enough sense to call me and tell me that the hospital was not of fire, despite what the news was reporting. I was relieved to hear that! He is loving it and enjoying having an assistant instead of having to do everything for himself. A little more like "real life", I guess.
Addilyn is as cute as ever and finally starting to pack on the pounds. While she is far from being as chunky as Carter was at her age she is getting a few rolls... just like her mommy! She is starting to coo more and sleeping 9 hours straight!!! We put her down at 8:00 when we put Carter down and she doesn't wake up until somewhere between 3-5:00, when we feed her and put her right back down until 8 or 8:30. Gotta love it!
Carter is still learning new words every day. It truly blows our minds when he says some things. Where in the world does he pick them up? I showed him ants tonight. He said hello to them several times and calls them "hants". I must not speak clearly. :) Violet is his bestest friend and when he wants to get out of his room after nap, he calls repeatedly for her. To
o bad she doesn't have opposable thumbs to undo his baby gate! What a cutie!

Here's a picture of Daddy laying down with a sleeping Addilyn. Every time we give her tummy-time she falls asleep. Oh well...


Tami said...

Sounds like everyone is doing great! Now we just need to see some pictures of those rolls... (Addilyn's, not yours) Ha, as if.

Jen and Bryan said...

Tami, you crack me up!

Ashby said...

Toddlers say the darndest things....and you'd think it would get more clear over time. HA! Then they start making up words.....and songs!

Cute pictures! I just want to hold little Addi and kiss on those cheeks, she's such a doll! Why do babies have to grow up so darn fast?!