Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Carter did something else last week that was SO funny. (I hope I can do it justice and that it won’t gross you out… sorry if it does.) He has seen me pump (do you know what breast pumps are? Basically, you put them on you and they put your milk in a bottle so Addi can drink from the bottle and not me but still have breast milk.) I didn’t want him to see me do this for obvious reasons. We stopped the whole seeing-mommy-maked thing when he was 18 months old. Bryan swore he wouldn’t even notice me pumping. YEAH, RIGHT! He stood there completely confused, pointing at me and saying “What’s that? Hat?” haha!
Anyways, a few days later, I had all my pumping stuff on the stairs so I would remember to take it back upstairs. While I was working on dinner I could hear Carter playing over by the stairs. I went to investigate and he had his shirt pulled up with my pumping stuff on him. It was AWESOME! I ran and got my camera and took a few pictures. Priceless!


Tami said...

oh man, that made me laugh out loud. Awesome! breast pumping is kind of a gnarly site - no wonder Carter was so intrigued. good story.

Ashby said...

No way!!! Brooklyn did the SAME thing with my Medela pump....LOL! That is too funny! Glad you caught a picture of it!

Missy said...

Basically the main reason Mark & I stayed in Nursery...he is sooo cute & hilarious! He is gonna love that picture when he gets older = good blackmail! And we noticed too how much he is talking now, we love it. I figured out how I found you guys, I didn't have to search too hard, tell Bryan that I am not a psycho/stalker like I seem...K! I do love your blog.

Emichan said...

Hey Jen, it's Emi from freshmen year... okay, that is the FUNNIEST thing ever!!! I have not pumped with this one so Olivia hasn't been exposed. Too funny. Looks like things are going well! Emi

Anonymous said...

When Taylor was 4 and Alyssa turned 2, she got a baby doll for her birthday. The doll and Taylor disappeared, and we found him in the kitchen, trying to breast feed the baby... Guess its just natural!!!