Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Just Another Mommy Moment...

All Mommies know that sometimes there are those stories that only you, Daddy, and maybe Grandma's think are funny. This is more than likely one of them so feel free to stop reading now. :)
Yesterday we were getting ready to leave the house so Bryan and I were upstairs getting everything ready to go. Carter was playing at the bottom of the stairs. As Bryan looked over the top of the stairs down at him playing with his toy shark, he took his hat off and threw it down over the railing (we have switchback stairs). It landed on Carter's head and slipped off his shoulder to the floor. Carter looked at the hat and then looked around for a minute trying to figure out where it came from. Then he looked up, saw Bryan, and said, "Wow! Nice shot, Dad!"

Now, I know that doesn't really sound like a cool story to anyone still reading but his vocabulary is AMAZING!! For all those who are mothers and have experienced the miracle of language development, you know how unbelievable it is to hear your child start talking, especially when it's a phrase that he has picked up from listening to you talk and not because you have taught it to him. (Kind of scary... Kind of like when Aunt Hillary said, "Oh crap!" and Carter walked around for the rest of the day saying, "oh crap, oh crap!")

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You Have GOT to be Kidding!!

So, my wonderful husband was nice enough to put Carter down for his nap today. Since I am normally the one to do it I remember to move the Desitin and wipes up to the top of his closet. Well... can you see where this is going?
I knew Carter was awake from his nap but I was feeding Addi so I just let him play in his room. Then.... I noticed that it was REALLY, REALLY quiet up there. As I rounded the corner at the top of the stairs I took in a strong wiff of Desitin. CRAP! As I stood with my jaw on the ground Carter met me at the door COVERED in Desitin, the now empty bottle in his hand. "All gone, Mommy." FABULOUS! Then he ran over to his carpet (heaven forbid he get it on the $50 rug that covers most of his floor) and said, "Oops... sorry. Sorry, Mommy... oops..." while pointing at the spot. Being the sweetheart that he is, Carter did try to clean up his mess with an entire container of wipes, rubbing the Desitin deeper into the carpet. Gee... thanks!
So, over to Aunt Kelly's we went to get the spot cleaner. Carter helped me clean it up. After the spot cleaner, baking soda, and a miracle cleaner that Grammie brought over, I think we got it all out. Oh the joy of 2 year olds.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Latest Read

I just finished a great trilogy. They are futuristic books about what our society would be like if everyone was made supermodel beautiful. It should take away all eating disorders, hatred over races... but the kids don't have a choice as to whether or not they want to be beautiful. It's a great trilogy that I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys reading. They are by Scott Westerfield. Uglies is the first book, followed by Pretties and then Specials.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Pecans

Someone was telling me about a beautiful new neighborhood in the area. Bryan and I decided to take the kids over there and snap a few pictures. I have been able to use my camera outside so little since I got it because of the heat. Now that it is starting to cool off (I use that term VERY loosely) we took our chances and headed out there. It was totally worth it because I got some really cute pictures. And, yes, I realize I am totally out of control with the whole picture thing... but, hey I need the practice!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Some Random Pictures

Here are just a few fun pictures of the kids. I do have to blame the one of Carter with the "facial hair" on Bryan. I was innocently reading upstairs. Bryan had gotten home from work early so he took over painting with Carter so I could relax. The story according to Bryan is that Carter ASKED for his face to be painted. He pointed at his upper lip and said "mustache?" So, Bryan went a little overboard. Carter thought that Daddy laughing this hard was great so he was more than willing to pose for pictures. He was also more than willing to come up and show me his new mature look. He's so very adorable!
Look at Addilyn standing all on her own at only 3 months old. (Bryan caught her before she fell down, don't worry!)
"I Make Chunky Thighs Look Good!" This is from Grammie. I LOVE it!! Unfortunately, it doesn't come in my size... I checked. :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Carter wearing his hat the way Daddy used to wear his... what a goofball!
Carter and Colby played with flashlights the ENTIRE weekend. It was so funny. They would go in the hallway and shut off the lights and close all the doors so it was really dark and laugh hysterically!

We had such a great time last weekend. We went up to a cabin with some friends of ours, Matt and Beth Greenwald. It was SO relaxing. (Notice the relaxation didn't stay as it's nearly 3am right now and I am STILL awake!) Anyways, we just hung around, enjoyed the fleeting thunder storms, went on walks, and watched the kids play together... and fight with each other as all 2 year olds do. I will for sure add some pictures but the camera is down stairs and I am far too tired to go get it.
One thing is for sure, I want a cabin someday just so I can relax there. And by "someday" I mean in 30 years when we can afford it. :) Pictures coming soon...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tagging... are we really that bored?

I would like to start by saying that I normally don't do these things because they are kind of like chain letters to me. BUT I love reading them on other people's blogs and I adore Katie who "tagged" me. I would hate to disappoint her so this is for her. (You TOTALLY owe me, Katie!)

4 jobs I've had:
1. 5th Grade Teacher
2. Taxi for my brothers so I didn't have to have a summer job in high school.
3. Teaching Preschool
4. Nannie (Oh, how I love taking care of my own kids more than someone else's snotty little kid)

4 movies I can watch over and over again:
I don't really like to watch movies over and over again... but there are a few DVDs I love
1. Just Like Heaven
2. The Holiday
3. Friends DVDs
4. The Office DVDs

4 places I've lived:
1. San Diego
2. Utah
3. New Zealand
4. Arizona

4 guilty pleasures:
1. US Weekly FOR SURE!!
2. Any crappy reality TV shows (I guess I just need to see that some people still have drama in their lives and I am SO happy I am not one of them.)
3. Spending money we don't have
4. Going in and holding Carter once he is asleep. He's so much more cuddly!

4 places I've been on vacation
1. South Pacific (Australia, Samoa, Fiji, Tahiti)
2. Kauai for our honeymoon
3. Alaska
4. Europe (England, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland)

4 favorite foods:
1. ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. anything chocolate
3. Anything sugary
4. On the Border chips and salsa

4 websites i visit:
1. usmagazine.com
2. blogs
3. gmail.com
4. hotmail.com

4 places I'd rather be right now:
1. getting plastic surgery to put everything back where it was a few years ago
2. getting a pedicure
3. shopping for my kids
4. on a date with Bryan

4 books i love:
1. These Is My Words
2. The Giver
3. Twilight and the accompanying books
4. Us Weekly (it's reading, isn't it??)

4 things i would love to know how to do:
1. lose weight without dieting
2. get Bryan to pay attention to me during football and basketball games
3. take pictures
4. wake up feeling truly rested.

4 things i worry about:
1. my kids and their health and safety
2. Bryan and his hands (we need those suckers to pay off the debt)
3. not losing the rest of the baby weight
4. I worry about everything out of my control... I know, dumb, huh?

4 happy moments:
1. My wedding day
2. whenever I get an unexpected nap
3. Carter's birth and every little milestone he hits
3. Addilyn and her darling little smile!

4 things i want to do in the future:
1. Travel the world and take pictures along the way.
2. serve a 10 year service mission all over the South Pacific where Bryan does Dental work and I teach English.
3. Get my body fixed (don't judge, it's not nice!)
4. Have a cottage in Maine so I can decorate it like the Pottery Barn magazine.

4 people i am tagging:
1.Hill... just to piss her off.
2. my sisters, Natalie, Jessica, Nicole, Nellie, Noelle, and Naomi
3. Brooke Brown (come on!)
4. Bryan... haha, can you imagine?

Ok, now that everyone knows way too much about me... enjoy your day! :)

Monday, September 3, 2007

What a cute Idea

I was far too bored for my own good tonight and found this website on a friend's blog. (Thanks, Bathany!) I thought this was a GREAT idea. I am sure there are other great ideas on her website, too. I am ptempted to rip up Carter's good crayons so I can make chunky crayons!