All Mommies know that sometimes there are those stories that only you, Daddy, and maybe Grandma's think are funny. This is more than likely one of them so feel free to stop reading now. :)
Yesterday we were getting ready to leave the house so Bryan and I were upstairs getting everything ready to go. Carter was playing at the bottom of the stairs. As Bryan looked over the top of the stairs down at him playing with his toy shark, he took his hat off and threw it down over the railing (we have switchback stairs). It landed on Carter's head and slipped off his shoulder to the floor. Carter looked at the hat and then looked around for a minute trying to figure out where it came from. Then he looked up, saw Bryan, and said, "Wow! Nice shot, Dad!"
Yesterday we were getting ready to leave the house so Bryan and I were upstairs getting everything ready to go. Carter was playing at the bottom of the stairs. As Bryan looked over the top of the stairs down at him playing with his toy shark, he took his hat off and threw it down over the railing (we have switchback stairs). It landed on Carter's head and slipped off his shoulder to the floor. Carter looked at the hat and then looked around for a minute trying to figure out where it came from. Then he looked up, saw Bryan, and said, "Wow! Nice shot, Dad!"
Now, I know that doesn't really sound like a cool story to anyone still reading but his vocabulary is AMAZING!! For all those who are mothers and have experienced the miracle of language development, you know how unbelievable it is to hear your child start talking, especially when it's a phrase that he has picked up from listening to you talk and not because you have taught it to him. (Kind of scary... Kind of like when Aunt Hillary said, "Oh crap!" and Carter walked around for the rest of the day saying, "oh crap, oh crap!")