Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What Dorks

While we were in Maui last week Ryan and Bryan were determined to body surf. For those of you who have been there before, you know how the waves crash there: RIGHT on the shore. There are places where they crash further out, thus allowing you to ride the wave in. Obviously, this is not one of those locations. It was a crack up to watch and I had to get it on video.


Krissy Lowe said...

How fun! I am so jealous of a trip to Maui, no kids etc. Did your whole family go? I read what Carter said and that is so sad. We went to Maui for 10 days when Ethan was only 1. I seriously called to check on him about every three hours. It's hard to leave them, but so good at the same time.

Missy said...

Way to go Bryan, lol! I want to see the dang pics of your trip!

Bridget said...

How fun... I am so jealous probably because we were suppose to go to Hawaii in July too.. Dang airlines... Can't wait to see more pics.. Glad you had a great time.

Momma Malia said...

just to let you know, brailyn wants to watch this video all the time. "i wanna watch carter's daddy in the ocean." and congrats on the job!