Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Baby's ONE!

Ok, she's really 13 months (and 10 days) but since I'm so very behind on my blogging, we are going to pretend that this was published August 1st which is her actual birthday. Her birthday was really fun. We celebrated with both sides of the family which is great since next year we'll probably celebrate it with just our little family. (but it won't be 120 outside...)
Before I begin this little story, allow me to flash back to Addilyn's first birthday. I was taking pictures as the lone candle was lit... Along everyone sang and all of a sudden Addi goes for the candle. She wanted to touch it. Naturally. So, me being the neurotic mother that I am scream to Bryan, "Don't let her touch the candle! She's going to burn herself!!!!" Bryan looked at me like I was the world's biggest idiot and grabs her hand. "I wouldn't let her do that. I'm right here." (Imagine me saying that in a low dorky voice.) Fast forward a mere 26 months to Preslee's first birthday. Same. thing. happens. EXCEPT.... this time I don't scream like a neurotic maniac. Why? Because she's my third (she'll live from a little burn) and because I want to see if Bryan really WILL catch her hand. I'll let you all guess the outcome.
While I was grabbing a pressent she tried to do a nose-dive off the couch. Good catch, Nona!!Trying on her new glasses for everyone. They quickly became a fixture on her big sister's face. (shocking)
I gotta say, when Bryan's mom told him that she was going to get Preslee a dolly he kinda tried to discourage her. Addi never went through the whole "dolly" stage. (Although she's hit just about every other craze imaginable.) Preslee LOVES this doll. LOVES it. LOVES! Seriously, she sleeps with it EVERY night/nap. She hugs it. Gives it kisses. You name it. Good call, Grammie!!
Daddy trying to convince her that the cake, will NOT in fact hurt her every time she touches it. (should have grabbed her hand.... just sayin'.)
Our attempt at a family picture. Don't mind the mop. :) (it's post church/nap hair.)

Recovering from the candle burn. Carter and Addilyn were more than happy to help her out with the cake.

This is how Pres roles. She is a "two hand" eater. Go big or go home, right? :)

Happy Birthday baby girl!Carson wanted in on the action. He was almost 2 years old so he just wanted some good practice for his birthday. Preslee wasn't real sure how she felt about it but the rest of us thought it was hilarious and, clearly Pres wasn't going to eat the whole thing. Love that little guy!

Thanks, Hill-dawg for being the photographer. I love getting into a pic every now and then!

1 comment:

Shenna said...

Love the story! Shame on Bryan...what kind of dad just stands by and lets their kid burn themselves like that? Gees, Bryan. :)

Hard to believe she is one already! Time flies by way too fast!