One year ago almost to the exact moment our little Addilyn Saige was born. What an amazing year it has been watching her grow, watching Carter become the cutest big brother, watching Bryan become the worlds biggest softie... I feel so blessed to have this amazing family. I can't even begin to tell all my faithful readers (which is only my sweet Grandma) what I love most about my little baby girl. She truly has a special spirit. I know that Heavenly Father has some wonderful things in store for her. I can only hope that in this incredibly harsh world that she will make decisions that will allow her to live up to her amazing potential. (I know, I'm such a mom... I can't help it!)
***We took pictures today ("Professional" ones) so I'll add to this post with some pictures when I have some edited.***
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
How Do I Fix This?
Addilyn decided a few months ago that she is DEATHLY afraid of dogs. All dogs. Big ones. Small ones. Sleeping ones. Barking ones. Even our very own Violet. She SCREAMS whenever Vi comes around. Therefore, either she is screaming or Violet's outside. The picture below is the look on her face when she even hears the collar clanking. I don't know what I can do to fix this little problem. I don't want to get rid of Violet (sorry, Bry) and we voted and decided to keep Addilyn as well. So... any ideas? People say that Addi will get use to her, which I am hoping but in the mean time?....

I just love the look on her face in the picture above. I think it's so funny. And her hair blowing in the wind... it's just a cute picture of her. :)
mmmm... Cheerios...

mmmm... Cheerios...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I Love This Picture
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Little Swimmer
Carter took swim lessons last summer. They went... fine. He cried for the first week and tolerated the second week only because he knew Miss Katie would give him a sucker at the end of each lesson. This year, however, he cried the first day, tolerated the rest of the first week, and then decided that he is 1/2 fish. Seriously, the kid won't stay above water. Good, right? Sure... unless you can't really swim; which is the case with Carter. He doesn't just gracefully go under water, either. No, no. He will stand on the big step, jump, and just flop under water (never leaving the big step where he knows he's safe) and swim around (if that's what you want to call it) gathering toys and rings from below the surface. So... this is the only picture I have managed to take of him. But I assure you, that IS the top of Carter's head. My little fishy. He's loving it!!

I L-O-V-E Her!!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Bryan's Blog Contribution
So, we all know that 9 times out of 10 it's the wife doing the blog. There are, of course, exceptions, but for the most part, that's how it goes. Bryan is a little bit involved with our blog though. He is in charge of the lovely music you hear. I get no say in the music but he does make sure he puts songs on there that I like. For the first time the other night I made a request. There was a specific song that I wanted on our blog. (BTW, the reason I care is because it's my jute box. I listen to our blog music while I am photoshopping or scrapbooking.) I really wanted that Rascal Flatts song on there. I just really like it. Bryan is NOT, I repeat NOT, a Rascal Flatts fan (although it will forever remind him of Andrea Smith). So, this is my disclaimer, Bryan does not want anyone thinking that someone as awesome as him would lower their standards to listening to the Rascal Flatts.
Man, I love him!!
Man, I love him!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Our Little Lazy Princess
Addilyn is almost ONE! I can hardly believe it. She is such a little princess. And I don't mean that in a good way. She is seriously so lazy that she refuses to crawl. She gets on all fours if she wants something. She rolls to it if she wants something. She whines until she gets something. She waits for Carter to bring her something. Ans most of all, Princess Addi has decided that she prefers to be held instead of being on the ground like the rest of us lesser mortals. Seriously, how do I fix this problem? 

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Calling All People with Crappy Teeth!!
If you are anything like me then you have really horrible teeth. That's right, I'll admit it. Why do you think I married a man who thinks teeth are cool and wants to play with them for the next 40 years?
The time has come for Bryan to take the "hands-on" portion of his exam to be a real-life dentist. In order to do this, he has to find people with certain types of cavities. He also has to find someone who needs a deep cleaning. (Not a normal cleaning... a DEEP cleaning.)
This would mean that you would have to come into the clinic (conveniently close by), have FREE x-rays done, let Bryan poke around in your mouth for a minute, and see if you have what it takes to be a guinea pig. If you do, then you would come back on June 6th or 7th and let him fix that pesky tooth for FREE or get that much needed cleaning for FREE.
WHAT A SMOKIN' DEAL, HUH? Honestly, if you think you might have something in that beautiful mouth of yours that may work, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email/call one of us (
I would even be willing to trade you. FREE FAMILY PICTURES if you have something that BRYAN can use for his boards. (Can you tell I'm getting desperate?) :) I don't care if we know you or you just happened upon our blog by blog-hopping, please STOP brushing your teeth today so you can help out my husband. Ok, don't do that, but please contact me if you think you may have something that he could work on.
The time has come for Bryan to take the "hands-on" portion of his exam to be a real-life dentist. In order to do this, he has to find people with certain types of cavities. He also has to find someone who needs a deep cleaning. (Not a normal cleaning... a DEEP cleaning.)
This would mean that you would have to come into the clinic (conveniently close by), have FREE x-rays done, let Bryan poke around in your mouth for a minute, and see if you have what it takes to be a guinea pig. If you do, then you would come back on June 6th or 7th and let him fix that pesky tooth for FREE or get that much needed cleaning for FREE.
WHAT A SMOKIN' DEAL, HUH? Honestly, if you think you might have something in that beautiful mouth of yours that may work, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email/call one of us (
I would even be willing to trade you. FREE FAMILY PICTURES if you have something that BRYAN can use for his boards. (Can you tell I'm getting desperate?) :) I don't care if we know you or you just happened upon our blog by blog-hopping, please STOP brushing your teeth today so you can help out my husband. Ok, don't do that, but please contact me if you think you may have something that he could work on.
Monday, May 5, 2008
iHappy Cinco de Mayo!
Hey there, faithful readers. Just wanted to let you all know that we are alive and well. We got back to the land of the sun last weekend and have been playing catch up ever since. I have been trying to get on top of my pictures (of other people) and have therefore NOT been taking pictures at home. But, on the up side, there are some really really nice looking pictures on my photo blog. Feel free to check them out. :) I'll post some pictures and a REAL post soon. Until then, have a GREAT Cinco de Mayo. :)
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