Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Carson and Alizabeth

I took pictures of both of these two little cuties (now that Lizzie is home from the hospital safe and sound) and have posted some on my photoblog. So, scoot over and have a look-see. Click here to get to the blog.


Courtney said...

SO, SO CUTE!! Little Tyler is also so cute! How fun to have so many little ones around!

~ Also, our family pictures in CA were taken with a tripod and a self-timer!!! All the kids are looking because once Rob or Ryan set the camera they would run back like a maniac and make the kids laugh!! It was quite a process!! :)

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

Those pictures are great. You do such an awesome job. Are you going to be in Poway at all over Christmas?

Jocelyn said...

Oh that red hair is to die for! She is a doll, 100%!! So glad to hear she's home safe and healthy... and as cute as can be! You did an awesome job with her pictures... love them all.