Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Swing, Batter Batter, Swing!

As I have previously mentioned I have to entertain the kids Lone Ranger style in the evenings while Bryan is working. T-ball is a favorite when the weather permits (which is getting to be more and more frequent.) And by "weather permits" I mean under 100 degrees. Carter calls it "batter batter baseball" because we have borrowed a little automatic pitching thingy from my awesome neighbor, Jenna. He now thinks any baseball garb is called "batter batter baseball" and because I'm his mom, I think it's cute. :) So, here are some pictures of him doing his thang. He has the Michael Jordan tongue. He's done that ever since he was a baby when he's concentrating on something really hard.


Laura Blue said...

oh how fun. what cute pics. love them and looks like he enjoys playing t-ball. go carter go!

Anonymous said...

He is getting so big! I miss that lil boy and addi! Im sure they don't even remember me. Tell them I love them! Miss all of you guys!

Nicole said...

Carter is so stinkin cute! I wish I were there to play batter batter baseball with him!

Anonymous said...

he is so cute!

The Englanders said...

Such a cute family! I found you! This is Heidi - Jaime's friend!? Remember me? So good to see you on here, and see how you're doing! Keep in touch! P.S. I can't believe you have 2 lil ones!!

lh said...

thanks for letting me in on your life. I love to read your words-its like you are right next to me, laughing and sharing these stories. You are so fun-I just love being around you!

Sheryl said...

How fun! It looks like Carter is enjoying his mom time. I need to take Blake out and play some t-ball. How are you doing now that Bryan is all done and actually making money. I'm still counting down the years ;). I just found your blog again and wanted to say hi. Addi is getting so big too. Cute kids.