Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Slam to the Turf

Growing up we had a game we played with my Dad nearly every night. (Yes, right before bed he would get us all riled up and then my mom- and dad- would have to put us down for bed... hyper...) It was called Slam to the Turf. He would get on all fours and we would climb him like a jungle gym. He would growl like a dog and catch us and give us "honk-n-kisses" (kisses on our cheeks while saying "hooonk". They tickled a TON because he had an AWESOME mustache.) while we would squeal in delight and try to get away.
Times haven't changed a whole lot... only the characters in the game. Now it's his grand kids playing with him... while my mom yells in the background, "Chris, be careful!! Don't throw your back out!" :) Carter LOVES playing Slam to the Turf with Papa. LOVES it!! And every time I watch it it takes me back to my childhood. Those memories are some of my very favorites with my dad. One of the lame things about growing up.

Tag getting in on the fun.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture. From the way my dad's hand is (that's his "tickle stance" with his hand... you know you're going to get it when his hand's like that) to Carter's face. Such happiness and fun!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That's so awesome and such a fun memory!