Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Friday, November 9, 2007

What a Big Boy!

After a week of potty training, I am so VERY tired. I can't believe how tiring it is running in and out of the bathroom every 15 minutes. (although we are now up to every 3o minutes.)
Carter is being such a trooper. I don't think I would recover so quickly from having poop smeared down my leg everyday and going through several pairs of undies. He now reminds us frequently that he is a "big boy" and he wears undies.
The real big news though is that today he didn't have a single accident. (He doesn't go to bed for another 8 minutes though so there's still PLENTY of time!) I am so excited that he is fairly potty trained. There is a little sadness in me that he is growing up so fast... but that quickly goes away when I think about not having to change those NASTY diapers!!

1 comment:

Momma Malia said...

yay carter!! congrats to a big boy! and way to go jen. the days that i put brailyn in panties are so exhausting. that's why we only do it once a week right now.