Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The "Grown-up" Party

Every year we have a Halloween party with all of Bryan's high school friends that still live in the area. The party has grown over the years. It now involves all our kids and my siblings. Each year the costumes get a little more... original. Here are a few pictures from the evening.
Yes, I am a piece of crap... but at least I went along with my handsome toilet. :)
Osama.... wow Clint. At least he left the guns at home. Malia wasn't sure which side she was playing for that night. :)
San Diego evacuees. Too funny, Ryan and Hill!

Ryan's costume speaks for itself. Courtney was Paris... it was hysterical!

Midget rocker. Every party is more fun with a midget, right? (Kel and Rob)

Kevin swears that Abby came up with this one. Sure, Harry, sure...


Tami said...

hahahahahahahahahahahaha. thanks for the laugh! I wish we could've come too. Kevin as harry potter... oh man. LOVE the midget.

Matt & Brooke said...

A piece of Crap??? First prize

bethany said...

This looks like fun-why didn't you go as Brooke's mom?

Bridget said...

too fun, your friends came up with some pretty cool costumes. Love yours. I am crapping my pants laughing so hard. hahahahaha

Mat, Chenae & Jackson said...

ok. I can't stop laughing. You guys are so funny...and all the costumes are hilarious. It makes me feel like a lame halloween celebrater person....
and your kids are the cutest things ever!