Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wild Animal Park

We headed to the Wild Animal Park while we were in San Diego last month. It was nice to escape the heat of Phoenix and spend time outside in San Diego... except that it was so stiflingly hot and humid this particular day I thought I was literally breathing jacuzzi water. It was SO gross.... but worth it. :) My super awesome friend Jaime took us on the adventure of a life time. (That gets it's own post, though.) The kids got to hold a (literally) priceless rhino horn. The rhino that lost it is one of less than 10 of her kind left in the world. (Jaime, if you read this and any info is wrong email me so I can correct it.) She had one literally grow under it and shove this one out of the way. Random fact of the day: did you know that rhino horns are made of HAIR. That's right. Like what we grow on our heads... How crazy is that? It was so cool!
(Grace is in the pink; Abby in the purple.)
Touching giraffe skin.
Taking a ride. You can see how hot she is. And her hair was WET from sweat. Poor thing.
All 4 of the kids. (Pres stayed home with our awesome sitters.)
Touching a boa constrictor.

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