Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Monday, August 23, 2010

Good to Know

Good to know that people actually still read my blog. I can't believe I have gotten a single comment on my Colorado Post. Maybe I just need to post more life changing events on here... I'm happy to say we don't have any more life changing events (that I'm aware of)...
And, Ashley, OF COURSE I've thought of the scenery! :) And thr prices just jacked a few weeks ago.
Thanks for actually commenting, my sweet friends! Good to know I'll be missed at least a little.


Unknown said...

I love reading your blog so keep posting! And you're pictures just get more and more amazing! Good luck with the move, maybe we could come out and visit one day while we visit with the McCann family too!

Unknown said...

I will miss you as well. I can't believe so many people are leaving Cortina this year. Boo hoo. Colorado is beautiful however and for that I am jealous. Who's going to lead Co-op????

katie said...

Well neighbor I never thought possible we would both move and be neighbors again! Oh I am feeling super LUCKY!

Crystal said...

FUN! I loved the fact that we were moving somewhere new and GREEN! You guys need to come visit us and go fishing!

Sheryl said...

Oh, wowzers!!!! That is exciting, emotional, and crazy all at once! Good for you, I'm sure you'll love it. We are trying to find where to go...it stresses me out a little (okay a lot). If you here of someone needing an endodontist out that way...let us know. We would be great neighbors :)