Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Do I Dare?

While I was at Walmart the other day I bought some ADORABLE boxer briefs for Carter. When I got home with them I showed them to him. I told him that he could wear them and he would look just like Daddy. "Do you like your big boy undies, Carter?" He replied with an enthusiastic, "YEAH!" When I asked him if he wanted to wear them instead of his diaper, he replied with just as much enthusiasm as before, "NO!" It was pretty cute.
We put them on him anyways. He wanted to wear the red pair so Bryan took it upon himself to put the blue pair on his head. That's nice... He has them on for about 15 minutes before he peed all over the floor. Thank heavens he was on the tile when he did it.
I don't think I am quite ready for this whole potty training thing. Carter's not that into it either. We are going to San Diego over Christmas so maybe I'll brave it after that. We'll see.


Tami said...

Those boxers are so cute! I want some for my boys... Yeah potty training is quite the endeavor. But if he's not that into it, you don't have to be either. He's got plenty of time. We are going to Utah for Christmas this year - but maybe I can still drop in and catch the Meacham crew for a day! When will you be down? I think we will be gone mostly the week after Christmas...

Bryn said...

Too funny!! Dax has decided to pee everytime we put him in the bath, so we've started sitting him on the toilet before putting him in the bath and he just smiles at us and doesn't go. Finally, after a few minutes we'll stick him in the bath and the first thing he does is pee! Arggg! Potty training doesn't sound so fun! Let me know once you figure it out! :)

Bridget said...

Cute boxer briefs... I am not looking forward to that part again with Talan. Hopefully I will be as lucky as I was with Brody, just one day he will decide to potty train himself. I wish that for you too.

Matt & Brooke said...

So funny to read this post after I just spent an HOUR, that's right, an hour with carson sitting on the toilet. We sang, read stories, tickled him (works for me) and NOTHING!!! sooo frustrating. Finally I had to kick him off cause I had to go so bad.

The Prigmore Family said...

Jenny, please videotape him saying the phrase "hey sugar you lookin for a date" while wearing this outfit and send it to me now. mahalo.

katie said...

Big boy-when you are potty training liet me know I have a GREAT book that I swear by... potty training in less thatn a day.

Unknown said...

Sooo funny! Maddie won't be potty training any time soon. Maybe we will both try together next summer :)

Ashby said...

Those are adorable!!! He looks like such a big boy.

As for potty training....it basically takes over your life. I felt trapped in my house for 2 weeks while I trained Brooklyn. But once she caught on it was like heaven! Good luck!