Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Kelly's home

Kel and Rob sold their home in Rancho Bernardo to my grandparents about 5 months ago. They are using it as a rental. Here is a video of Kelly's street after the fire. Her home, amazingly enough, is one of the very, very few on the street that is ok. Crazy! I also talked to Courtney (Zierke) Georggin a few minutes ago and her and George's home in High Valley is still standing. She said she cried when George called her with the news. (He snuck in riding with the water guy.)


Bridget said...

Wow... I am glad you parents home and Kelly's rental home are safe right now. I will put them all in my prayers tonight. Please keep us posted.

The Prigmore Family said...

Jenny! We just got home last night after being evacuated at 5am monday morning. My parents were evacuated sunday night. Both our houses are OK. Needless to say I have been bawling for 4 days straight thinking we would have to go thru this AGAIN but I guess we are one of the lucky ones this time. I am so so glad about Kelly's place and your moms & dads and courtneys in high valley! they must be the only ones left up there. My parents are speaking to the 17 families in our stake that lost houses tonite. If you know of anyone else that lost houses send them to the stake center tonite @ 7pm. Love you!