Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Buy Me Some Peanuts and Crackerjacks

For some reason Carter has been asking and asking to go see the D-Backs. (Yes, he actually calls them that.) How can you deprive a darling 3 year old this? So, I called Runkin (my brother Ryan) and asked if we could have some afternoon ticket sometime. (He has season tickets through work.) He was SO nice and gave is 4 tickets for Saturday night. My parents are in town so Carter, Bryan, my dad, and I all went to the ball game. It was an awesome night that was even better because the D-Backs smoked the Marlins. (I think that's who they played...)
Carter was BEYOND adorable. He would LEAP out of his seat every time Bryan did and would cheer every time everyone else did. He even got to participate in the Wave and LOVED the 7th inning stretch. He loves that song and we finally have him saying "D-Backs" instead of "Padres." (Nona taught him that song, much to Bryan's dismay.) It was seriously the most fun I have had for a long time. It's unreal how much joy kids can bring into your life. The simplest things become memories.
Here the boys are getting all hyped up on our way in.


7th Inning Stretch

We're number one!!

We won! YEAH!

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