Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Monday, August 25, 2008

Prayers Please

My new little niece isn't doing quite as well as we were hoping. This afternoon they transferred her to Desert Sam, the high risk hospital. I don't think she is necessarily getting worse but she isn't getting better. early this morning they had to intubate her because she wasn't breathing well enough on her own. She had some skin on her foot that has died. They'll have to do a skin graft down the road. The doctors have assured Kevin and Abby that things are going to be fine... but you can't help but wonder and be sad in the mean time. You know, us pregnant women just want that baby out so bad but it makes you grateful for every day they remain in you. It was nice that the Air-vac people let Abby hold her little baby girl for the first time, all hooked up to machines, before they left with her. Abby and my mom were in tears as they wheeled Lizzy away. One of the Air-vac women stopped, hugged my mom, and promised her that she would take great care of Alizabeth. I honestly believe that little Alizabeth will be okay but my heart absolutely breaks for Kevin and Abby. Things haven't really been great for Josh either having Mommy gone so much.

Here are a few pictures that Kevin took while they were getting Lizzy ready to go.(Abby calls her Allie... most of the world will. I like them both but right now I'm going with Lizzy. So is Kev.)
The first picture with Mom, Dad, and baby. They don't have a family picture yet. Josh wasn't there when they transferred Lizzy.The first time Abby got to hold her little baby girl.
All of her tubes. At least she got a cool beanie that says AirEvac on it. (Even though she wasn't actually airvacced because of the rain... don't tell her that!)
This picture just breaks my heart. It doesn't matter what is going on around you. All you want to do is kiss your sweet little blessing from Heavenly Father.
This is a close up of what they took her away on. The entire thing was HUGE.

Bye Sweet Girl! We'll see you soon!!


Tami said...

oh my heart! to see her wheeled away! i'd be a mess. my sister and her twins had some serious issues for a month after they were born last Thanksgiving. they almost lost one of them 2 days after she was born. but so many people were praying for them - they really saw a miracle and some how got both babies home just in time for christmas! i have a lot of faith in the good doctors in this world and i'm SURE this new baby will be fine. our prayers are with all of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet little niece. I will keep her in my prayers. And what did you mean by "us pregnant women"????

The Brown Family said...

We will be praying for her over here. Let us know if we can help at all, watching Josh, meals, whatever they need! Keep us posted on her progress.

Courtney said...

That picture of Abby saying goodbye broke my heart! This is kind of how Gwen was, same little "clear breathing box." Let her know we are praying for them.

Ashby said...

Break my heart! Those pictures were so sweet and I was fighting back the tears looking through them. I hope and pray all goes well for little Lizzy!

The Prigmore Family said...

Oh my heart. Sending prayers their way. Glad she's a red head... she'll pull through. Us redheads we're a determined bunch.

Laura Blue said...

i'm so sorry to hear that. i will keep the family in my prayers. i'm sure everything will work out fine. it's just hard to understand when everything isn't perfect. best of wishes

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

Oh, I am sobbing reading this. We were there just one short year ago... same hospital, exact same complications, same little Air Evac beanie and everything. Little Allie/Lizzy will be fine, but it's heart breaking in the meantime. No mom should have to go home without her baby. Keep us posted...

katie said...

I am wiping away the tears-the picture of Abby kissing her baby is priceless. Oh and all those tubes break your heart. We will keep her in our prayers.

Jocelyn said...

Oh, I was so sad to read this post. I'll be thinking of Kevin and his family, for sure, and looking for updates. She is a beautiful baby... congrats to them on a new little girl. Hopefully she'll be home with her family as soon as possible.