Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

While He's Away

Now that Bryan has entered the "real" world where you actually get paid, he is gone a little more. He is also gone strange hours. Wednesday through Friday he works afternoons and evenings. That means that he's home with the kids and me ALL day until 2:30 or so and then is gone until after 9:00 at night. Usually I really like it. It's fun having him home during the day and then I get a few hours at night to work on my photography, blog, watch HGTV, or read all about Edward without worrying that I am ignoring Bryan.
The one drawback to his crazy hours is that he misses "Cranky Hour" with the kids. This is kind of like Happy Hour except no one is happy, things aren't 1/2 off, you aren't laughing with friends, and there is NO alcohol to be found (although at times you wish there was...). But don't worry, like Happy Hour, "Cranky Hour" lasts for several hours!
So I am trying to find something for the kids to do in the early evening to keep their minds off of driving me in sane. I thought the sprinklers were a great idea. It's over 100 degrees outside and the sprinkler thing sprays all over so it's really fun. Well, Addi did NOT agree with me. Seriously, she is SUCH a PRINCESS!!!! She doesn't like the feeling of grass on her feet and since she is STILL not walking she sits there and cries until I come get her. (I did manage to get one cute picture of her on the grass before she freaked out, though.) But, we have this little car that thank heavens, kept her entertained while Carter played in the sprinklers, played T-ball, and drove his wiggle car. (GREAT investment, by the way!)

Note Addi's face here... and Carter's wedgie! HA!


Anonymous said...

Great shots! Jaxon loves his "wiggle car" too! He rides it in circles around our kitchen/family room!

Natalie said...

Blake and I know all about cranky hour! Now that Matt is back in school and has a law job, I too am alone with my cranky child! Good idea about the sprinklers and car.

Ashby said...

Cranky hour! LOL! I love it. And come January can I please please please move in next door to you?! We need to be neighbors! How fun would that be?