Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm an Aunt Again Again!!

Want to hear a great story? Seriously, I'll wait while you go pop some popcorn and get a chair.
Ready? Hillary woke up Ryan at 3:20 in the morning on Thursday morning. She had been up for about 45 minutes in, what she thought was labor. Like so many women, she wasn't COMPLETELY sure. 6 days prior to this she had been sent home from the hospital in false labor so this time she wanted to be SURE. She had been really mad at the doctor earlier that day (Wednesday) because despite being SO uncomfortable, her body had done nothing. NOTHING!
Anyways, back to 3:20am. She woke up Ryan and told him to get Tag up and that she was in labor, to which Ryan replied, "Hill, you can either put on your make up or you can get an epidural but you can't do both. Which is it going to be?" Hillary normally has a good sense of humor... but not when in heavy labor. She kindly replied, "Ryan, don't mess with me right now. Get up."
So, off they went to Kelly's house (she was the sister "on call") to drop off Tag. While Ryan was at the door dropping off the kid, the car seat, and the diaper bag, Hillary is literally screaming at him from the front seat of the car to "hurry up! this baby is coming!!"
The hospital is normally about 20 minutes away. Those of you who know Ryan knew he was only more happy when Hillary kept yelling at him to drive faster. They ran every red light and made it in record time. Ry dropped her off up front while he went and parked the car. She made it in the doors and stood there and yelled, "Help!" because she was in too much pain to move. The nice security man came running over with a wheelchair while the woman at the front desk kindly asked Hillary, "Honey, are you pregnant? Are you having your baby?" WOW! No offense to Hills, but she fo shizzle looks pregnant!
Anyways, Ryan, the security guard. and Hillary in the wheelchair go screaming through the maternity area. Hillary slowed down enough to get a gown on, get checked and hear the wonderful news that she was a 7 and that her doctor was actually at the hospital about to go into a C-section. The nurse had her sign on a few lines and sent the doctor in. By the time he checked her she had progressed more. He told her that she could push for a few minutes and get that kid out or she could get an epidural and he'd come back after the C-section. After wieghing the options for all of 1/2 second and remembering that her insurance does NOT in fact cover epidurals, she decided to push. 3 pushes later, Carson Craig was born in all his perfect glory weighing in at 5 pounds 12 ounces and 20.5 inches long.
Did I mention that he was born at 4:20am. Exactly one hour after Hillary woke Ryan up. What an hour, huh? So, without further a due, here he is. We love him and couldn't be happier that he's here and healthy.


Tami said...

holy crap! leave it to ryan to leave out all those crazy details! he called me first thing thurs. morning and told me NONE of that great delivery story. thanks for filling in the holes! i knew i could count on you Jen. for pictures too! i've been dying to see some pictures - he and they are all so cute. but where is little Tag? that is my only request... Man, Hillary better just camp out at the hospital ahead of time for the next one. Yikes! Though i'm sure Ryan would love another excuse to break a bunch of laws.

how is Kevin's baby? your parents have had a busy week... i sure do love all you meachams. hooray for your growing family!

Tami said...

ok and seriously, the baby was born at 4:20? I know Ryan must think that is about the funniest/coolest thing ever...

Shenna said...

Lucky girl to have only an hour long labor. He's so cute!

The Dobrons said...

AAA!! She is sooo wonderwoman!

Natalie said...

When is my turn?

Courtney said...

Thats so exciting! He is so cute! ~ Hillary's next one she's going to sneeze out!! I can't believe her delivery's ... if you can even call it a delivery!! :) LUCKY GIRL!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Neal told me this story and I couldn't believe it!! Congrats to Ry and Hil, he's beautful!

The Brown Family said...

He is so cute!!! I can NOT believe that story! We were just at BUNCO together on Tuesday night and I would have never guessed she would have him so soon after. I can't wait to meet him. Hillary is a hero for doing it without an epidural, I would DIE!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby! (And great shots!) Does he have a name?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I see it now!

Allison said...

What a cute little boy! Tell those guys congrats from Dave and me!

The Meachams said...

Bla Bla Bla ....Tami!! At least you got a phone call

The Meachams said...
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Andrea said...

Cute baby and great story!!
The pictures you took of Shen and her family turned out SO good! If we ever get down there we will have to have you take some for us!

Arian said...

Wow, how lucky is Hilary??? That is quite the birth story. Thanks for the update - I would never expect HER to update anything on her blog! :)

Bridget said...

I love that you blog for Hillary because she won't do it anymore. Every girls dream to go that fast, but I think I still would have taken that epidural.

Ashby said...

Holy fast labor Batman! That happened to my sister two years ago and she said it was her favorite way to deliver because it came on so fast and was over just as fast! Congrats to Ryan and Hillary!