Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Monday, August 18, 2008

What The...?

I don't know why but this picture totally cracks me up. He's just watching Bryan mow the lawn but for some reason it was quite intriguing.


Tami said...

oh thank you jen! I knew she was due anytime now and yes have completely given up on their blog. she looks awesome! not at all like a cow - please pass that along. i'm surprised she's only got 3 weeks left - I'm pretty sure I was bigger than that with my second. and tell her my second was 3 weeks early - so she really could have him today! thanks for the update. send them my love. maybe i can count on your for the baby update/pictures too!

Nicole said...

I love Carter! He's so freakin cute!!