Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize the little things were the big things. ~Robert Brault

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm an AUNT (again)

On Friday evening Abby (NOT the one I did maternity shots of) went into labor at 35 weeks pregnant. They couldn't stop it and ended up having to take the baby via C-section. Alizabeth Marie Meacham weighed in at 7lbs 1oz and 19 1/4 inches long. Abby has diabetes and babies of diabetics are generally larger than the norm.
Lizzy is DARLING but her lungs are quite what they should be. Because of this she is still on oxygen and Abby STILL hasn't been able to hold her or even really look at her. She's in the nursery 24/7 and since Abby can't really stand up yet she can't see into the little bed they have the baby in. Abby gets to come home tomorrow... without the babe and without even holding her. Can you IMAGINE!?!? But, the baby is improving and will hopefully be home in a week or two. (right now they are saying at least a week.)
The nurses say she's fighter and a bit feisty. (She DOES have red hair!) That will be a change of pace considering Kevin, Abby, and Josh are the three most laid people EVER!!! Anyways, I just wanted to share the news that we have another little angel in the family. SO exciting!!!

Kevin and Lizzy.


The Brown Family said...

Oh I am so thrilled for them that she is here and doing well! Let me know if they need anything! She is SO cute!!! If she is anything like her red-headed Aunt then we are in T-R-O-U-B-L-E! :-)

Anonymous said...

Holy crap- that face-SUCH A MEACHAM!!! She is darling, and we will keep her in our prayers! Congrats Auntie!

Tami said...

holy cow! Kevin has a daughter! that is such a cute picture of him and her. thanks for the update - we'll be thinking of them. pass along a congrats.

Courtney said...

Thats So exciting! They are going to LOVE having a little girl! Tell them congratulations for me!

Momma Malia said...

man your family genes are strong. i swear the kids all look alike. what a cute little girl. hope she comes home soon!